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First Name: JM

Location: South Carolina, USA

Imgur: princenismo

I do this kind of stuff with friends in other countries and always happy to send good food to those who can't get it!

First Name: Syd

Location: Canada

Hey, I'm Syd! I live in Canada and would love to trade snacks and sweets with any of you lovely folks from around the world! (To all you US users, WE HAVE TWINKIES!)

First Name: AmberDawn

Location: New York, USA

I like dinosaurs, my children, nature, & awkwardness. I also like snacks, getting mail, sending mail. And art.

First Name: Lisa

Location: Kansas, USA
Imgur: yorkie62


First Name: Adhesive

Location: Georgia, USA
Imgur: ascot69

I accept free snacks of the delicious variety.

First Name: Jim

Location: Texas, USA
Imgur: xnet08
Hey imgur, i'm from San Antonio TX, we got tons of crazy good food/snacks, i love trying new things, gigiddy. No food allergies that i know of, so lets see what comes of this experiment.

First Name: Alexandrea

Location: Arkansas, USA
Imgur: Caribous​lady
My favorite candy is anything that makes me pucker up. Sour is best. Also, I love chocolate. Mini M&M's are the candy of the Gods. I am a mother of two, married to a wonderful man, and I have a lot of tattoos. :)

First Name: Victoria

Location: Michigan, USA
Imgur: stormsong88

No food allergies and I love all things! I think it'd be cool to see different products. Ill send back awesomes as well.

First Name: Daniel

Location: New Mexico, USA
Imgur: Sarcasticparrot
I love spicy snacks like cajun trail mix and spicy potato chips.. but im interested in trying foods from other areas.. if youre not into spicy things, i know of some other cool snacks from around here i could share

First Name: Nate

Location: Minnesota, USA
Imgur: Playlikeachamp​
We are known for wild rice and it is a common gift we take overseas as you can't get it just anywhere around the world. I've traveled to Germany, Italy, Vietnam, and Australia so I'm excited to try and find some of the delicious treats I haven't had in years!

First Name: TJ

Location: Kansas, USA
Imgur: SneakergeeKING
I'm currently stationed in Kansas. I'm in the Army, been so for 10 years. Favorite foods are chips and snacky crackers like cheez its. Allergies HA NONE.

First Name: Todd

Location: Texas, USA
Imgur: Brazzerslogohere
I like anything European, love German Chocolate, Love Sodas. 0 allergies

First Name: Shane

Location: California, USA
Imgur: Stoneyranger
I live in Northern California. It is one of the greatest agricultural communities in the world. We have a fine selection of legumes, olive oil, fine wines, and many other local delicacies. I am interested in snack trading with anyone, anywhere, and I have no allergies to anything. I am interested in unique food items local to your area. I look forward to sharing with you all!

First Name: Angel

Location: Washington, USA
Imgur: blahblah1004

Hello! I am from Washington, USA however I am of Korean descent and would love to share the joys of Korean snacks with anyone!!

First Name: Angel

Location: Southern USA
Imgur: Barepimpproject
I live in the southern United States. I love cats and food. I want to experience foods from around the world. I can send you baked goods as well as any American foods you may desire in exchange. :-)


First Name: Shannon
Location: Maryland, USA
Imgur: sakurachan42

Hola! I love to hang out with friends, spend time in nature and wandering around (yes I love the outdoors!), and just be happy!! I try to always be happy and I love meeting new people! Thankies!! 

First Name: Jon

Location: Indiana, USA
Imgur: jklewer

Hello! I like all sorts of food. My favorite thing is REAL maple syrup. I like to freeze it and then drink it. But I love snack foods as well! I gotta give this a try cause well its something different and new!


​First Name: Mykala
Location: Utah, USA
Imgur: poopjustpoopthatsall

I would love snacks from other countries, I've lived a lot of places and sometimes miss the food there!

​First Name: Kat

Location: Canada
Imgur: ColorfulPandaGirl
It's snowy out here, and I needs some munchies! If you could help, that would be great!

​First Name: Josh
Location: Indiana, USA
Imgur: Frogill

Hailing from the land of corn and cattle, I love me some chocolate. Also any sort of fruit type snacks are good and different hot sauces are cool. Jerky is also a very good way to win some goodies :). I'm hoping next winter to be able to start tapping some trees in my back yard to make some homemade maple syrup! It may be a while, but once the time comes I will try to send some out. Looking forward to meeting some new people and getting some tasty new snacks! No allergies.

​First Name: Lauren

Location: Illinois, USA
Imgur: arsenicwolf

It's always great finding neat snacks from foreign places and introducing new friends to the occasionally odd stuff you can find around here (Southern Illinois, if you were wondering). So if there's anyone still looking for an exchange, hit me up. I might even be convinced to whip up something homemade for it!


​First Name: Rachel

Location: Washington DC, USA
Imgur: Plethora

You probably have a lot of American applicants.. BUT I have a little inside edge here. We have some grocery stores nearby with some excellent internal foods.. so I can send not only funky American snacks, but also some European/Japanese/other?? snacks as well.


​​First Name: Phoenix
Location: Illinois, USA
Imgur: Firebirdlives



​First Name: Kate
Location: Illinois, USA


​First Name: Jessica
Location: South Dakoda, USA
Imgur: Girljeans

I love food! I love candy, sweets, salty food, but I especially love chocolate! I don't have any allergies but I would like to share with my son (a yummy geographical learning experience!) and he is severely allergic to all nuts, especially cashews. I get really excited to eat food that has foreign languages all over the wrapper - it's like a magical tasty mystery! If there's any specific American snackage you would like in return, let me know, otherwise I'll pick out my favorites to send you! I look forward to noming with you!

First Name: Brandi

​Location: Pennslyvania, USA

Imgur: LavenderDuckies

I'm going to school for nursing, I like dinosaurs, I have two kitties, and I love a lot of things. Favorite food would be pizza :D


First Name: Kristy

Location: California, USA

Imgur: sunflowerfields

I live in San Diego and am able to send snacks and candy and even popular Mexican candy. I have 2 kids that are intrested with me to sample things. We are open to anything just not any snails!

First Name: Shelby

Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Imgur: shelecky11

My favorite candies include anything with peanut butter or caramel!

First Name: Sarah

Location: Virginia, USA

Imgur: RamseyMcDirtbag

I would love to trade snacks with someone anywhere else in the world. I am not too picky about food, and I do not have any allergies. Even if you are in the U.S there is plenty of locally made snacks I can send your way!


First Name: Callan

Location: Maryland/Missouri, USA

Imgur: littlefuzzybluemonsters

My name is Callan and I'm a college student who lives in Maryland but goes to school in Nevada, Missouri. I'll eat just about anything, especially anything caramel, but I am gluten intolerant. You'd be pretty surprised at what has gluten in it.

First Name: Christina

Location: California, USA

Imgur: awakeforgood

I love trying different foods from different places! No allergies. Nothing fishy please. My faves are salty, sweet and spicy, and anything gummy!

First name: Jessie

Location: Canada

Imgur: AlphonseElric

I love snacks and anything delicious. I also like trying new things so bring it on! I have no food allergies but I'm not a huge fan of extremely spicy things, moderately spicy in good though. As a Canadian I have an abundant access to Twinkies ;) So who's up for a trade?


First Name: Erica

Location: Wisconsin, USA

Imgur: itoldyouiwasfreaky

I live in Wisconsin, USA, the home of all things filled with cheese, batter-fried, covered in more cheese, and washed down with a beer. Snacks are awesome, and so am I.

First Name: Shannon

Location: Florida, USA

Imgur: love2260

I LOVE chocolates. But the same old Hershey gets old. I have no allergies, and am curious as to what candies/snacks/chocolates other countries have. I'll like whatever you got, so hit me with your best shot, I'm willing to try anything

First Name: Liz

Location: Minnesota, USA

Imgur: tardthefuckingrumpycat

I love any kind of snack, salty and chocolate are best. I also love Kinder chocolate (we don't sell it here :( ) Not allergic to anything either.

First Name: Stephanie

Location: Ohio, USA

Imgur: youvegottobekiddingme

Excited to try new things and I think it would be cool for my daughter to try different candy from around the world! :)

First Name: Mandy

Location: Michigan, USA
Imgur: Mcap247

First Name: Lyndsey

Location: Montana, USA
Imgur: chachachachew

I grew with two food groups: SpaghettiO's and cake. I just had my first banana last year! I'm stoked to try new yummy goodness! No allergies, dislike tuna.


First name: Benjamin

Loation: California, USA

Imgur: benaroooo

No allergies, no candy with fruits but thumbs up to chocolate and sweets!

First name: Miriam

Location: California, USA
Imgur: fienddragon

First name: Victoria

Location: Canada

Imgur: thatrabbitisdynamite

First Name: Helmuth

Location: California, USA

Imgur: DestroyGalaxies

Hey, what's up you guys! I love trying new foods. I dont have any type of food allergies that i know of. I absolutely hate seafood. Other than that im open to trying out new foods ! p.s i love sweet n salty foods!

First Name: Lisa and Mike

Location: Michigan, USA

Imgur: LisaMegatron and SuperLee

My boyfriend and I are definitely interested in participating in the snack exchange. Although we are fond of all kinds of snacks, my boyfriend prefers spicy/savory things, and I absolutely adore sweets. I would love to have the experience of trying something from a different country, and be able to share things we love with someone else! Also, thank you for providing all of us with such a cool opportunity. Thanks, Lisa and Mike

Name: Kassi

Location: Washington, USA


I would love to try some snacks from the other side of the world, and share some of the foods from here. I don't have any food allergies, and I love chocolate but I am open to try almost anything!

First Name: Hunter

Location: Colorado, USA

Imgur: idontwanttoliveonthisplanet andhavefoundseveralreplacement

Severe Peanut Allergy. Otherwise, I love anything super sweet, especially chocolate, and bacon.

First Name: Amy

Location: Virginia, USA

Imgur: aimeestep

I am a 25 year old stay at home mom to two little guys. In school part time trying to pursue a position becoming a midwife's assistant. I love all things food and love to cook and bake healthy but delicious things for my family. Oh, also, I don't have a cat. We would love to, but our two husky's wouldn't approve.


First Name: Steffen

Location: Georgia, USA
Imgur: Damann23

Hey! I'm Steffen. I'm a 21 year old office worker here in Columbus, GA in the United States. My girlfriend, Sam and I would love to try some new snacks, and We've got some interesting ones to provide outselves! I look forward to hearing from you!!



First Name: Kylee

Location: Utah, USA

Imgur: xkexplosion

I'm pretty awesome and I like good snacks. And that's what this is all about, after all. It's. About. The. Snacks.

First Name: Shan

Location: Oregon, USA
Imgur: ImHereForTheCatPictures

I think this snack exchange idea is incredibly cool, and I can't wait to make friends and get food through imgur! :D I hope whomever sends me things sends me their favorite snacks, so I won't name my favorites. I'm not allergic to any food items.

First Name: Debbi

Location: Oklahoma, USA

Imgur: IngoldInglorian

I like chocolates, caramels, really just about anything. I can get you anything thats American or Southern.

First Name: Rhaysa

Location: Alabama, USA

Imgur: Alkalina

I am currently in Auburn, AL. I am originally from Puerto Rico so i can get snacks from there as well but those may take longer since my mom would have to mail them to me and then I mail them to you! I am 30 y.o currently in school for vet medicine. I love snacks and I'm sure there are ton out there I don't even know exist! I'm a sucker for anything fruity.

First Name: Jessica

Location: New Jersey, USA

Imgur: Jessface

I love candy, I'll almost any kind. My only exclusion for candy is that it can't be watermelon flavored, because it makes me sick. By the way, did I mention I love candy?


First Name: Kristen

Location: Canada

Imgur: kristin6789

First Name : Leigh-Anne

Country: Missouri, USA


As someone who is a trained chef, and works with food for a living it sounded like such a fun idea. My husband lived abroad when he served in the military and I have traveled overseas a bit.  We love trying new foods-- and snack foods are at the heart of our everyday lives.

First Name: Holli

Country: Texas, USA

Imgur: holliharrison94

I love anything and everything. Special meanings behind each item with a note why is always fun! I love swapping cool stories with people :)

First name: Melissa

Location: New York, USA

Imgur: spookymelissa

Hi! I don't have any allergies but I absolutely cannot stand black licorice. My new favorite snack foods are these triple chocolate muffins and my snack buddy will definitely get some if they are in stock when I go shopping. I have no idea what I'll be sending but probably things like pop rocks and bacon jerky. I have no idea what kind of American snacks are sold elsewhere.

​First Name: Bayleigh

Location: Canada

Imgur: Baybowdash  

I'm Bayleigh and I live in British Columbia, Canada. I saw a bunch of people doing the snack exchange and thought it'd be fun to do, I have no food allergies and I'm hoping to find a buddy around Asia because Asian snacks are just awesome.

First Name: Toni

Location: Illinois, USA

Imgur: ToniDoubleYou

I am a 25 yr old female living in Illinois (USA.) I have no food allergies however, I detest anything that smells/tastes/looks/is/reminds me of mustard. I would prefer to exchange with someone in another country, using a $20-$25 spending cap.

First Name: Kayla

Location: North Carolina, USA

Imgur: GimmieLeCats

I like chocolate and anything that I can't find in the states, except licorice- yuck. I would like to do an out of country exchange with someone from Europe, or Japan would be fun (I love the Hello Panda cookies from there :P) I like salty stuff too, like chips etc. I could send some great American candies like Oroes, Mallo Cups (my fav,) fig newtons, Air heads, you know the usual American candy. Also I could send chips/ crackers like Cheetos, Goldfish, Combos, Pringles. Oh and pop tarts. Smore's Poptarts. Yummmmm. :) Thanks!

First Name: Susan

Location: California, USA

Imgur: Muther88

Hello! I am a music Teacher in California. I teach k-5 and have 800 students! Imgur is pretty much my way of de-stressing after a longgg day. If you want to chat, jut send a message to Muther88! :) Have a fabulous day!

First name: Mathias

Location: Wisconsin, USA

Imgur: flagner

I love to snack! Particularly like chocolate as well as unique treats from foreign countries. No food allergies here! Would love to try what people around the world snack on every day!

North America

First Name: Ana

Location: California, USA

Imgur: psique

I love trying new foods, specially weird stuff that usually wouldn't be available where I'm from. No allergies and I will eat anything! I'm able to send snacks from Spain and also American things as I come and go very often :)



First Name: Chelsea
Location: Michigan, USA
Imgur: MyFriendsThinkIAmHilarious

First Name: Kiefer
Location: New Jersey, USA
Imgur: Jonnymoon5

I'm Kiefer, i'm a volunteer firefighter, so i like snacks (is that common knowledge?) I like anything. i'll try anything. I'd love to be a part of this.


First Name: William
Location: Virginia, USA
Imgur: suitedandbooted

I like sour things and European Fanta. No allergies, and will eat anything delicious!

First Name: Anabiah

Location: California, USA
Imgur: mooliosis
I'm a Pakistani American, so I have a hook up to Pakistani food as well :D And I'm a vegetarian! Woohoo! :D

First Name: Jenn

Location: Delaware, USA
Imgur: sassystripes

Hello! I can provide delicious snacks from the East Coast including Herr's potato chips and the ever-popular tastykakes. I have no food allergies, but I don't particularly like extremely spicy foods. Let's trade!

First Name: Lauren

Location: Texas, USA
Imgur: iwantigby

I'm sure we all know that Texans are fat. That's because we know how to make delicious snacks. I would be happy to send some on. I like kick ass treats from all over the place. One time, on imgur, I saw something like "Tim Tams" that said that it may contain human parts. I don't have time for cannibalism. It's too big of a commitment. Anything else is golden. No allergies.

First Name: BB

Location: Wyoming, USA
Imgur: thenintiesweremyprime

Greetings from Jackson Hole Wyoming! Home of huckleberries and everything jerky! I love all snacks! sweet, savory, cheezy, chocolatey... you name it!

First Name: Meghan

Location: Washington, USA
Imgur: LtKarrinMurphy

First Name: Geoffrey

Location: Maryland, USA
Imgur: Slenkamure

Good Day, the idea of this is most interesting. I always enjoy snacks from abroad (or a guy) I have but one allergy that is Chocolate.

First Name: Matthew

Location: Connecticut, USA
Imgur: BikingNinja78
I like my chocolate dark, my candies sour, and my salty snacks...salty... Normally a health food junkie, but more than willing to make an exception for this snack exchange. No allergies, adventurous eater.

First Name: Laura

Location: Ohio, USA
Imgur: supercalifragilisticexpialidopeshit

First Name: Bree

Location: Louisiana, USA
Imgur: breeharvey

I don't have any food allergies. My favorite candy is Skittles and dark chocolate, but I love trying new and different things and if I don't like it my husband will eat it. ^__^

First Name: Jasmine

Location: Illinois, USA
Imgur: JasmineMohammad

I don't have any food allergies. My favorite candy is Skittles and dark chocolate, but I love trying new and different things and if I don't like it my husband will eat it. ^__^

First Name: Adam

Location: New York, USA
Imgur: v1perz53
Hey, I'm Adam! I would love to exchange snacks with anyone, especially in other countries. I love trying random new things, so the stranger your snack the better!

First Name: Vicky

Location: New York, USA
Imgur: MoreLikeBorophyll
I love all kind of snacks, particularly of the chocolate variety. I love trying new things. I have no allergies. I am also a Russian American, so I can get stuff you would find in Russian stores, like European candy (Russian/Polish/Kinder) :)

First Name: Amanda

Location: Illinois, USA
Imgur: Pandantic

I like snacks from other places. I like tortillia chips and pita chips, bagel chips, and spicy foods. I like fruit candy and, to a lesser extent, chocolate. I have no allergies as far as I know. Um, I guess that's all!

First Name: Samantha

Location: California, USA
Imgur: thelittlepie

I love trying new and exciting foods!

First Name: Patrick

Location: Arizona, USA
Imgur: Fubtrick

Based in AZ, I'm BIG on snacks and foreign food having lived England for a couple years. I also make KILLER jerky that's good for a month non-refrigerated, but would be happy to buy and send snacks! I don't drink alcohol or coffee and don't smoke.

First Name: Anna

Location: New York, USA
Imgur: Eruanne

I don't have any food allergies and I'm always willing to try new things. I have access to just about any type of snacks you can think of. I specialize in Russian and Asian, though, but can definitely do American as well!

First Name: Kynzii

Location: Canada
Imgur: teabakeries

I'm in Canada, with lots of maple stuff.

I can send as far as the Northern Hemisphere, can't do the south, sorry!

First Name: Jeremy

Location: North Carolina, USA

Imgur: jeremythegeek

Like most Imgurians I am an avid gamer and fan of shows like Doctor Who and Sherlock. I enjoy Milky Way as my favorite candy bar. Living in the south another favorite thing of mine is good old southern BBQ.

First Name: Lilly

Location Ohio, USA

Imgur: MUSquirrel

Interested in trying snacks from all over. Haven't ever really been able to travel, so this is a great plan! Will try anything.

First Name: Jessia Marie

Location: Canada

Imgur: FluffyPrincess999

Greetings and salutations Imgurians! This is FluffyPrincess999 from Canada; the land of snow, ketchup chips and beef jerky! Looking for someone to trade snackies of any sort with. My mom and I are both imgurians and enjoy chocolate and salty treats! HOW ABOUT YOU!? (Please no chocolate covered bugs)

First Name: Emily,

Location: Arizona, USA

Imgur: smeagle

I love most foods, but I am a super huge wimp when it comes to spice. Also, I can't eat bananas!

First Name: Emily

Location: Washington DC, USA

Imgur: ilovetoonces

Would love to get snacks (no allergies) but also this nail polish called psychedelic by Fnug that they sell in Denmark I believe...or any Fnug polish really...I can also send any American things you want as I'm right outside DC =)

First Name: Fluegel

Location: Wisconsin, USA

Imgur: Mrfluegel

I love bacon and candy. I am only allergic to bees. Please do not send me bees.

First Name: Brittany

​Location: Missouri, USA

Imgur: killabee1989

This sounds really neat, and I love to try new things! If you want anything in particular, let me know! I'm a huge fan of salty snacks and chocolate. No allergies.

First Name: Brittney

Location: Indiana, USA

Imgur: Bonfire

I love trying bizarre food, but am contended with anything branded as foreign. Unfortunately though, I am allergic to citrus.

First Name: Wesley

​Location: Missouri, USA

Imgur: kirta5tic

I have a cat (obviously, I live on the internet). In college, on a budget, enjoys chinese food/mexican food, not allergic to anything

First Name: Bari

Location: Illinois, USA

Imgur: Sneakycoconut

I love sushi, candy, fun stuffs, noms, dogs, cats, and laughing. I have no food allergies.

First name: Alyssa

Location: Georgia, USA

Imgur: Alyrenna

Hi there! I'm from the U.S., I have no food allergy, and I like any type food :3

First Name: Shelly

Location: California, USA

Imgur: LyfLesOrdnry

Hello there! Looking for a snack buddy. I can send you jut about anything I can find PLUS I love to bake, so you could also get some delicious homemade goodies! Let me know what you like and I'll do the rest.

First Name: Maria

Location: Connecticut, USA

Imgur: galeblizzard

Saw a picture on imgur talking about the Snack Exchange. I thought it was a very cool idea and wanted to join in the fun! My favorite candy is Snickers and just about everything else. I'm not very picky. And I don't have any allergies.

First Name: Kayla

Location: Wisconsin, USA

Imgur: Kazel13

I'm from Wisconsin, within an hour of the Wisconsin Dells (waterpark capital of the world anyone?) so I can get some interesting candy for you. No food allergies, though I'd prefer not to have anything with nuts in it.

First Name: Allison

Location: South Carolina, USA

Imgur: Lovexinfection

I'm 21 and I live in South Carolina, 'Murica. I have a cat, a fiance, and classes, that's all that keeps me going. I loooove sweet treats. Gummies, strawberry anything, cotton candy, chocolate, etc and chips. (Not big on hot flavors or ranch/sour cream though.) I'll try pretty much anything new. :)

First Name: Jennifer

​Location: Florida, USA

Imgur: Jenndig

29 Year old computer nerd-ette that collects cats and video games. No allergies, pretty much like everything :)

First Name: Lily

Location: New Hampshire, USA

Imgur: WhenIGrowUpIWantToBeAMeme

Any and all food is OK by me, except oranges, those are simply unacceptable. Chocolate is the best thing I can think of although I love surprises, especially unusual ones. I'm from NH, in the US, which means you'll get lots of yummy maple candy and lobster pops. Unless you have requests.

First Name: Mathias

Location: Wisconsin, USA

Imgur: flagner

Not going to lie...I'm a fatty. I love snacks. I figured that I would join a snack exchange so I can experience international snacks. I'm a snackaholic. Impossibly famous. No food allergies. Love pastries. Hate dark chocolate. I love any kind of food.

First Name: Liz

Location: Idaho, USA

Imgur: Lizzylangford

I love salty snacks the most but some real chocolate from Europe would be awesome(American chocolate sucks). I am not allergic to anything. I will pack a bagful of awesome goodies, anything you like and maybe a few crazy things too. Happy snacking.

First Name: Brandon

Location: Canada

Imgur: WilliamThatcher

No allergies, love any food with sugar. Big advocate of culture expansion and love to learn of other people's backgrounds.

First Name: Christina

Location: Canada

Imgur: dafuzza

I like food! You like food! Let's send each other some awesomeness!!

First Name: Katie

Location: Michigan, USA

Imgur: nhsoccer08

I am really excited to see everyone enjoying and connecting through imgur so much. I love this site. I live in Michigan, USA. When I have had a bad day, I always come on here for a good laugh and to look at all of the adorable puppies, cats, and any baby animals.

First Name: Raquel

Location: Canada

Imgur: otilweoverdose

I'm a Canadian girl with 'tude. What does that mean? It means I say "sorry" 10 times a day instead of 20. For real though, I'm a master at the art of snacking and would love to see what kind of goodies are all the range in your home country. Don't fool our Canadian snacks. We got plenty of treats that are purposely kept secret from the rest of the world...until now. Send me a message if interested :)

First Name: Arica

Location: California, USA

imgur: arical31gh

Hello!! I can send you things like Cheetos, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Snickers Bars, Flaming Hot Cheetos or Fries, Back Forrest Gummy Bears, Cotton Candy, Corn dog mix (to make your own if you want it) Hot sauce packets from Del Taco, Taco Bell etc, Sixlets, Capn Crunch, Almond Joy, Mounds, Doritos and so much more!!! I would love to try things from everywhere. However, I'm going to be honest, if you send me anything containing bugs or fish they will not be appreciated. Other than that, I'm open to try new things.

First Name: Lara

Location, Missouri, USA

Imgur: Glassrose23

Hi *wave* I'm Lara. I like most any food except those which I am allergic to : Meat and eggs. Luckily I can still have fish and seafood. I like to cook too! I'm a college student always looking for friends *smile* .

First Name: Brittany

Location: Ohio, USA

Imgur: ItDoesNotDoToDwellOnDreams

Hi, I'm Brittany and I live in Ohio. No food allergies, but I'm not a huge fan of plain chocolate or dried fruit. I'd love to exchange with anyone who's interested!

First Name: Nikki

Location: Wisconsin, USA

Imgur: HypnoticCow

I like all types of snacks but my favorite has to be salty/chip like snacks or chocolates. No allergies or veganism. I will try anything.

First Name: Mandi

Location: Canada

Imgur: GingerSports

Fitness nerd, eat healthy 80% of the time. Enjoys new experiences (including snack foods of the world). Likes making friends and connections around the world :-)

First Name: George

Location: Texas, USA

Imgur: ithinkitsbeautifulyour256colorstoo

I enjoy chocolate, good tea, also gummy stuff. anything really that just looking at makes your teeth hurt from how good it is. i would really like just to see the usual going on's of people in other states or (preferably) other countries. im really interested to see what imgurians have in store.

First Name: Christa

Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Imgur: ChristaMatth

I would love to explore other cultures snacks. I love all food and will happily try any strange or odd foods. I don't have any allergies.

First Name: Rachel

Location: North Carolina, USA

Imgur: momodaisuki

I love peaches. Any snack is fine, I have no allergies and love new foods. There are a lot of cool snack places where I live, all natural and junk foods. I love sending packages so I can also include fun art gifts! because I have a lot of random art.

First Name: Ernie

Location: Tennessee, USA

Imgur: eluby

I love Reeses peanut butter cups and cheetos!

​First Name: Lauren 

Location: South Carolina, USA

Imgur: avaomega

I love spicy food! I can't have sesame seeds, so anything else is good. My favorite foods to snack on (besides veggies and fruit) are pb n js, jalapeno pretzels, Claussen pickles, almonds, and turkey jerky. I do not consume a lot of candy, but I'm not opposed to trying new kinds.

First Name: Anna

Location: California, USA

Imgur: annamae970

Hi guys, I'm from California (aka a state in the US of A). I love chocolate and sweets, but anything from a different country that we don't have here would be AWESOME!  Hope we get to do some snackchanging! :)

First Name: Amelia

Location: Texas, USA

Imgur: CuprumFox

Hi! I'm really excited about this food exchange. I love sweets of all kinds. I have an excellent grocer nearby and I also make my own candy. I think this will be a lot of fun.

First Name: Lydia

Location: Massachusetts, USA


Hi! I live in Massachusetts (hope I spelled that right...) and I love all kinds of food! Salty, sweet, crunchy, spicy, whatever! I'm a big fan of Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Futurama and things like that. :)

First Name: Ashley

Location: Indiana, USA

Imgur: moonletters

No food allergies, though I do not like spicy things! I have a cat that likes marshmallows. I like peanut butter. A lot. I enjoy trying junk food at the natural food store, but usually only actual junk food satisfies that craving. I also love mail, and I'll send you anything even if it's just the next state over. : )


​First Name: Aurora

Location: Texas, USA

Imgur: aurorapurples

Hi, I’m Aurora. I don’t have food allergies. Want to trade snacks, food, and candy! My favorite color is purple and my favorite animal is a toss-up between octopus and penguin.

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